23 12, 2022

Winter Solstice


The winter solstice is a good timing to go inward and connect with your pure essence. Do a reality check. How are you feeling and how is your body doing? What about your mental health?

Winter Solstice2023-01-04T11:05:54+01:00
9 11, 2022

Yoga can help you to balance your Fifth Chakra


Yoga can help you to balance your fifth chakra or Vishuddha. The throat chakra is all about the power of your words, about self expression and speaking your truth. This chakra is located at the

Yoga can help you to balance your Fifth Chakra2023-01-04T11:02:09+01:00
13 04, 2022

Yoga helps you to balance the Heart Chakra


The fourth chakra or heart chakra is the centre of the life's energy, the prana. In Sanskrit it is called Anahata. In addition this chakra regulates the other 6, the 3 lower and the 3

Yoga helps you to balance the Heart Chakra2023-01-04T11:06:15+01:00
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