4 09, 2024

Balancing the Chakras


Understanding how the chakras work can help you to live in harmony with your body. When your chakras are in balance you can thrive, you feel joyful in each and every cell of your

Balancing the Chakras2024-10-09T15:19:13+02:00
6 12, 2022

Relax before Christmas


How would it be for you to relax before Christmas? In this period of the year you can feel a bit drained by all events happening, either that dinner at your job or the Christmas

Relax before Christmas2022-12-06T11:40:22+01:00
9 11, 2022

Yoga can help you to balance your Fifth Chakra


Yoga can help you to balance your fifth chakra or Vishuddha. The throat chakra is all about the power of your words, about self expression and speaking your truth. This chakra is located at the

Yoga can help you to balance your Fifth Chakra2023-01-04T11:02:09+01:00
13 04, 2022

Yoga helps you to balance the Heart Chakra


The fourth chakra or heart chakra is the centre of the life's energy, the prana. In Sanskrit it is called Anahata. In addition this chakra regulates the other 6, the 3 lower and the 3

Yoga helps you to balance the Heart Chakra2023-01-04T11:06:15+01:00
11 11, 2021

Yoga helps to balance your Second Chakra


The second chakra is associated with creation, desires and feelings, also called the sacred chakra. It relates to procreation, to giving life.  Yoga helps to balance your second chakra. When your Swadhistana (Sanskrit name for

Yoga helps to balance your Second Chakra2021-11-11T13:59:19+01:00
3 11, 2021

Clinging to an illusion


Walking in the woods I noticed a mushroom hanging on a tree.  Are you clinging to an illusion? Years ago I felt very attracted to an unavailable man. He was kind to me but didn't

Clinging to an illusion2021-11-03T16:02:56+01:00
14 10, 2021

Letting go


Everyday we are all confronted with letting go of situations, in other words we are invited for transformation, for change. Years long people stay at the same job because they prefer to do something they

Letting go2021-10-14T10:35:50+02:00
22 07, 2021

Yoga helps you to balance your Root Chakra


The root chakra or Muladhara chakra is responsible for our feelings of secureness and survival. When your first chakra is unbalanced you might experience life as a burden or you may have elimination issues. The

Yoga helps you to balance your Root Chakra2021-07-22T11:04:05+02:00
23 03, 2021

Spiritual Guidance, feeling grateful!


Spiritual Guidance supports me all the way! I listen to my intuition cause my soul knows the path. Thanks to Spiritual Guidance I keep up with my work in-progress. When

Spiritual Guidance, feeling grateful!2024-12-10T15:02:19+01:00
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