2 11, 2023

Yoga helps you to balance your Sixth Chakra


Yoga helps you to balance your Sixth Chakra, also known as Ajna chakra or third eye. The sixth chakra is the place of intuition, wisdom and identity. It is located in between the eyebrows. The

Yoga helps you to balance your Sixth Chakra2023-11-02T14:14:18+01:00
23 12, 2022

Winter Solstice


The winter solstice is a good timing to go inward and connect with your pure essence. Do a reality check. How are you feeling and how is your body doing? What about your mental health?

Winter Solstice2023-01-04T11:05:54+01:00
22 07, 2021

Yoga helps you to balance your Root Chakra


The root chakra or Muladhara chakra is responsible for our feelings of secureness and survival. When your first chakra is unbalanced you might experience life as a burden or you may have elimination issues. The

Yoga helps you to balance your Root Chakra2021-07-22T11:04:05+02:00
9 07, 2021

Corpse pose yoga


Yoga Relaxation exercise at Dayal Yoga Studio The rhythm of our daily life in society is ‘speedy’. The more we do, the worthier we feel. The corpse pose yoga give us a chance

Corpse pose yoga2021-07-09T16:30:47+02:00
7 04, 2021

Gobinday Mukanday


Yes!!! Last week I published my clip on YouTube with the mantra Gobinday Mukanday Udaray Aparay Hariang Kariang Nirnamay Akamay. Literally it means: Sustaining, Liberating, Enlightening, Infinite, Destroying, Nameless, Desireless. Why this mantra Gobinday

Gobinday Mukanday2021-05-07T11:27:19+02:00
27 12, 2018

Shifting into a new path


Shifting into a new path. In this end of year I listen to my heart and let go all I can’t control, all I was holding to in 2018. I keep

Shifting into a new path2021-05-07T11:54:32+02:00
5 11, 2018

All I need is within me


Fall morning before teaching Yoga. I am Love including my shadow! I am love, all I need is within me. When I read this the first time, I

All I need is within me2021-05-07T11:44:47+02:00
21 04, 2018

Back to Myself!


It has been a while since I published my last blog. I’ve been going through an incredible path the last year. Now I’m back to myself! I decided to leave my

Back to Myself!2021-02-22T08:48:50+01:00
2 05, 2017

Being myself, becoming myself


Walking at Strijp, Eindhoven, I read this message written on a container: ‘Je bent jezelf’. Being myself, becoming myself Being myself has become my goal in life. We

Being myself, becoming myself2021-02-22T08:52:35+01:00
17 10, 2016

Yoga women’s circle


This year I attended to my first Yoga Women’s Circle in the Netherlands. I had done that already in Portugal during the Ashran week at Quinta do Rajo. I really appreciate

Yoga women’s circle2021-02-22T09:05:11+01:00
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