How would it be for you to relax before Christmas? In this period of the year you can feel a bit drained by all events happening, either that dinner at your job or the Christmas holiday preparation. In addition, you still wake up early every day to go to work and to take care of your loved ones. Making time for yourself is challenging cause you put everyone needs before yours, your colleagues, your manager or if you are the manager, you are being asked to finish the last projects of this end of year. The ‘modus vivendi’, the systems we have created, request your attention and energy. Once more you ask yourself, what did I do this year to take care of myself, to fulfil my needs before I can help others.

The yoga practice reminds us to come back to this present moment and feel the union between our individual consciousness and the infinite consciousness. This meaning can sound very theorical. In fact, while practicing yoga we can experience the presence of the body, the breath and we can observe our thoughts. Through a regular practice we learn how to cope with life challenges from a place of awareness, joy and inner wisdom. Of course, it’s not enough to practice on your yoga mat, the real spiritual test is always out there, in your daily situations. We learn that we can always find in God or the Universal force (however you call it) a place of stillness and trust.

The invitation

Friday, the 9th of December, we come together from 19:00 until 21:00 hrs in Eindhoven  to create space for relaxation of your body and mind. The theme is ‘Relax before Christmas’. I’ll be guiding you with a yoga restorative class, face yoga and aromatherapy. Then we sit around a ‘yoga picnic’ and cup of tea. During this evening you’ll have time to connect with others in a cosy atmosphere.

The participation fee is € 16 (€ 14 for members). If this resonates, sign-up now because the spots are limited. Once your have registered you receive the exact address.

