Access yoga tecniques to support your mental and physical health
You struggle to keep up with your taks at work. You can’t avoid looking at the time to log out from work and do nothing. the days are too long at work and too short when your are free. Your body feels tense and the repetitive negative thoughts invade your spirit and you feel disconnected from your breath and body.
You keep yourself busy the whole day, aiming to be efficient at work and at home. Once you’re done you hope to go home and relax. After dinner you feel like laying down on your sofa and watch Netflix. a question pops up in your head: is this the life I want to have? And the answer is a clear ‘NO’.
Your loved ones don’t understand you when you say you’re tired. Unfortunately you don’t have the motivation to go out and do something fun together. Physically you look fine but inside you, you sense exhaustion and lack of energy. You can’t even recognize what really makes you happy anymore.
How would it be:
Having enough energy and motivation to enjoy your days at work and afterwork.
To have a yoga disicpline at home where you feel 100% committed and empowered. You feel like a ‘Happy Baby’ (Yoga position ;-)) relaxed and joyful.
To go on holiday with your loved ones and do something nice together, dance, hike, prepare dinner and all of that feeling serene.
My name is Doriana Velez, yoga teacher and coach. In yoga I found the tools I needed to keep a positive feeling. Yoga was more than a simple daily practice, it was my daily therapy to balance body and mind. Nowadays the discipline is my ‘to go’ way to supporty my health, both mental and physical and I help others to master that too.
I love to assist working women in the midlife who feel exhausted and fed up due to negative thinking. I have been there.

Supreme Yoga Bundle at Dayal Yoga
With the Supreme Yoga Bundle : Your Path to Mind-Body Metamorphosis
You learn the yoga ‘asanas'(positions) during the weekly yoga lesson, that you can take away as ‘homework’ to include in your daily spiritual practice. Thanks to the yoga discipline you can bring both aspects of your life in balance: the mental and the physical.
What is included:
*12 weeks access to a group yoga class once per week, a 75 minutes lesson
*During the lessons, we practise meditation, yoga and conscious breath
Your investment is 204 Euro
Possibility of payment in two installments:
First payment 107 Euro | Second payment 107 Euro
Unlock 3 Divine Bonuses
Bonus 1: 3 Yoga videos to access from everywhere in the world
3 yoga videos to practise anytime or whrever your are
These videos, specially made for you, will give you the opportunity to keep up with your practice even during hectic times when you feel overwhelmed
Value : € 39
Bonus 2 : Personalized 1 on 1 online Spiritual coaching
A 1 on 1 Spiritual coaching call of 20 minutes where you can receive the guidance to support you in understanding your soul’s path now. A beautiful way to deepen your yoga experience, moving beyond the physical. Boost your personal growth with new insights.
Value : € 55
Bonus 3 : VIP Access to ‘El Círculo de la Luz’, the offline women’s gathering
Join the high-powered women’s community once per month, the las Freiday of the month at 19:30. Meet like minded souls. During the women’s circles we share our processes, we reflect around the main theme of that evening, we dance, do rituals, meditate, relax and have a Tarot reading, global and individual. Next to that you have time to connect with each other, drink herbal tea and enjoy a healthy snack.
Your investment is € 27 instead of € 33 for non members.
Contact me to get started
‘Yoga exercises initiate a soft flowing movement in your body. Everything you have stored in your body due to the busyness and tensions of the day will have a chance to be released and relaxed. The yoga asanas are friendly and sometimes could be challenging. That doesn’t matter because you know that your body and also your mind feel much more relaxed afterwards.’ Marieke Kempen
Yoga makes me move, release tensions and feel a sense of peace throughout my whole body. I feel more grounded and centered. I have found a practice that also positively influences my mental health. Doriana is inspiring and manges to teach how this physical and spiritual practice can be integrated into our daily life. Her studio is a bubble of serenity and kindness to practice in a relaxing atmosphere. Doriana is able to transpose this atmosphere and the benefits of yoga to the online lessons as well.’ Marie
Yes I want the Supreme Yoga Bundle

The Prayer Mudra brings harmony