9 11, 2022

Yoga can help you to balance your Fifth Chakra


Yoga can help you to balance your fifth chakra or Vishuddha. The throat chakra is all about the power of your words, about self expression and speaking your truth. This chakra is located at the

Yoga can help you to balance your Fifth Chakra2023-01-04T11:02:09+01:00
23 06, 2021

Kundalini Yoga Eindhoven at Dayal Yoga


Kundalini Yoga lessons Eindhoven in 2018 Kundalini Yoga at Dayal Yoga has gone through a transition the last years. In 2014 I officially launched my yoga business giving Kundalini Yoga lessons in Eindhoven,

Kundalini Yoga Eindhoven at Dayal Yoga2021-06-23T16:32:04+02:00
19 04, 2021

The Healthy Cold Shower


A few years ago, during my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, I was invited to take the healthy cold shower in the morning. The idea was to awaken our senses, to flush

The Healthy Cold Shower2021-05-11T14:44:31+02:00
27 12, 2018

Shifting into a new path


Shifting into a new path. In this end of year I listen to my heart and let go all I can’t control, all I was holding to in 2018. I keep

Shifting into a new path2021-05-07T11:54:32+02:00
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