19 04, 2021

The Healthy Cold Shower


A few years ago, during my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, I was invited to take the healthy cold shower in the morning. The idea was to awaken our senses, to flush

The Healthy Cold Shower2021-05-11T14:44:31+02:00
17 10, 2016

Yoga women’s circle


This year I attended to my first Yoga Women’s Circle in the Netherlands. I had done that already in Portugal during the Ashran week at Quinta do Rajo. I really appreciate

Yoga women’s circle2021-02-22T09:05:11+01:00
11 11, 2015

Yoga Lifestyle Week


I was invited to be the interpretor of a yoga student who is following the training to become a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. The occassion was the Ashran week in Quinta do Rajo, Portugal. This means

Yoga Lifestyle Week2015-11-11T21:09:49+01:00
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