Yoga means union. It helps balance your body, mind and soul. Some people see it as a workout to alleviate stress. Yoga is more that that, yoga is a life style an can be used as a tool to cheer you up. Ideally you want to wake up in the morning and practice yoga positions, known as asanas, before starting your day. And if you have extra time, why not making time for meditation. Yoga is a discipline and only when you commit to your daily spiritual practice can you get the most out of it. Whenever you practice yoga before launching your daily activities, you can prepare your mind for a happy day.

You can try this yourself. Wake up one day 5 minutes earlier than usual. Take that time to do a stretch exercise or short meditation or conscious breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly. This way you program yourself to be in a place of inner calmness. Then at the end of the day observe how your day was.  Become aware of the difference.

Would you like to practice a yogic breathing exercise to experience a calm state in your mind and body? Click the link below to access a free exercise of 10 minutes.

10 minutes Yoga Video

There is false myth about yoga: ‘Yoga is only about your physical ability’.

Of course yoga involves the physical aspect but it is not everything. I often hear people saying that they can not practice yoga because they are not flexible. The truth is that yoga helps you to become more flexible but you need to get started. Yoga brings us consciousness, while exercising we become aware of the breath and feel the sensations and energy in the body.

When the yogi (the yoga practitioner) is performing the asanas (yoga exercises) he or she accepts the physical and mental challenge. While your body might be doing the yoga position effortlessly the mind needs to keep up with the holding time of the asana.

The yoga challenge is far form the physical capacity to do the position, it is about how you accept what your body can do without getting upset or feeling frustrated. The goal is not attaining perfection but being there with what is.

There are plenty of benefits when practicing yoga.

  • Intuition development which helps you in making the right choices for you.

  • Strengthens your aura (electromagnetic field). When your aura is strong you stay true to your real identity and far from negative influences.

  • Helps you in keeping an emotional balance and neutral thoughts.

  • Strengthens your nervous systems.

  • Keeps your glands in balance and cleanses your blood.

  • Makes you aware of the way you react to a situation and promotes connection with your true feelings.

  • Release stress symptoms. The best way to deal with tension is practicing yoga on a daily basis.

It has been proved that people practicing yoga and/or meditation enjoy better mental health. So as the body needs to exercise, the mind requires daily training.  In society we promote body training. In every city, everywhere in the world, you find fitness clubs and yoga studios live or online. And expecially after the Covid pandemic, the practice of yoga and meditation has increased. The fact that people were working remotely allowed more time to invest in physical and mental health, to be able to cope with stress issues that can reflect in your physical health.


Tree pose is a yoga asana to find your balance and support the concentration

Tree pose to enhance your balance


Women multitask, this is our nature. Why not multitasking and feeling zen?

Nowadays women have an enormous amount of work. Not only from work itself but also from household, kids and responsabilities. For this reason women need extra support to help them deal with anxiety and stress. The active modern woman might not find time and space to relax because of all the expectations at home and at work.

As a yoga practitioner, with 13 years of practice and teaching, I know how yoga has helped me not only as a tool against stress but also supporting my health.  I feel healthier than ever and I personally use yoga as medicine. Whenever I have back pain or stomach pain, for example, I know which exercises I need to do to feel better.  The same applies for my students.  I have seen people feeling down and exhausted when joining a lesson, then feeling joyful and fitter afterwards.

In the book ‘Yoga as Medicine’, from author Timothy McCall, published on the 31st of July 2007, he explains how yoga promotes the feeling of relaxation in the body, as we focus on the breath and the present moment. At this point we can support the relaxation response from the parasympathetic nervous system moving away from the fight, flight, freeze response from the sympathetic nervous system.  He encourages people to enjoy the yoga practice for illness prevention.  As I said before, I have experienced this myself along my years of practice and as a yoga teacher and coach.

Would you like to practice a yogic breathing exercise to experience a calm state in your mind and body? Click the link below to access a free exercise of 10 minutes.

10 minutes Yoga Video

How to start with Yoga as a practice beyond the physical aspect?

Start with a couple of asanas (yoga positions) or a 2 to 5 minutes meditation, feel the reaction of you body, observe! Become aware of this present moment, breathe, be and stay present now.  Do not interact with the flow of your thoughts, just observe them.

This is what Marieke K. had experienced during the yoga lessons with me:

“Yoga exercises intitiate a soft flowing movement in your body. Everything you have stored in your body due to the busyness and tensions of the day will have a chance to be released and relaxed.  The yoga exercises are friendly and sometimes could be challenging. That does not matter because you know that your body and also your mind feel much more relaxed afterwards.”

If you want to explore what yoga can do for you and learn how to use yoga as a tool to cheer you up , reach out, I will be happy to connect!


Doriana Vélez

@ZenWomenTribe | |

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