Yoga helps you to balance your Sixth Chakra, also known as Ajna chakra or third eye. The sixth chakra is the place of intuition, wisdom and identity. It is located in between the eyebrows. The organs related to the third eye are the brain and the pituitary gland. This last one is responsible for growth, metabolism and reproduction.
When the sixth chakra is in balance you can experience the following qualities:
Self Initiation
You have the power of projection and understand your purpose in life
To the contrary, when the sixth chakra is out of balance, you can experience confusion, depression, rejection over spirituality and over intelectualising.
These are the yoga exercises or asanas you can practise to keep your third eye in balance:
Meditation on the third eye
Hakini mudra
Kirtan kriya
Archer pose
Whistle breath
Yoga mudra
Child pose